In a newly-declassified letter by Usama bin Laden, one finds a most inconvenient truth for DA’ISH’s leadership: Usama bin Laden pointed to the activities of al-Qa’ida’s (now former) Iraq branch as an example of what not to do. - Read more...
Documents recovered from Usama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan that were admitted as evidence in the trial of Abid Naseer, along with English-language translations, are available here. - Read more...
This is rumored to be a scanned copy of a document containing Jihadi John’s email address and details from his résumé. - Read more...
On 1 March 2015, Twitter accounts used to promote Islamic State propaganda tweeted links to a message featuring a threat against Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and the company’s employees. - Read more...
Unless the US Department of State designates the Afghan Taliban a foreign terrorist organization, the US will be stopping short of applying all elements of national power to thwart this group's capabilities to help al-Qa'ida strike the US and its allies. - Read more...
That the current US strategy to combat DA’ISH entails the objective of securing support from Saudi Arabia for efforts to contain threats emanating from the most visible manifestation of the Global Jihad movement — the “caliphate” established by DA’ISH — is indeed ironic. - Read more...
From the contents of DA’ISH’s propaganda one may discern a pattern of the group providing advance notice of executions of hostages in the pages of its chief English-language publication, Dabiq. Might the mass execution video released 15 February 2015 fill this function? - Read more...
Islamic State propagandists are circulating via Twitter links to a gruesome, 5-minute video, titled “A Message Signed with Blood to the Nation of the Cross,” which proclaims, “we will conquer Rome.” - Read more...