

Michael S. Smith II
Founding Editor

Michael S. Smith II is a founder of Kronos Advisory. Prior to organizing Kronos, Smith served as a Research Fellow and Government Relations Officer at The NEFA Foundation, a nonprofit research institute devoted to exposing the organizations and individuals who plan, fund, and commit acts of terrorism, with particular focus on radical Islamist elements. Smith began advising members of the United States Congress on terror-related issues during this time, and his work assisting elected officials in Washington with national security issues has continued since his departure from NEFA in March 2011. As a Contributing Expert to the Congressional Anti-Terrorism Caucus (ATC), Smith provided research and analysis services to nearly 100 members of the US Senate and House of Representatives concerned with improving America’s counter-terrorism posture. Of note, his April 2011 report for the ATC on Iran’s ties to al-Qa’ida titled “The al-Qa’ida-Qods Force Nexus: Scratching the surface of a ‘known unknown’” was included among the source documents distributed to Congress by authors of the Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act of 2012 (signed into law in December 2012). More recently, with a small group of current and former senior national security officials, Smith served as a contributing expert to the Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. Smith’s work assisting federal officials has been reported on, and his perspectives on terrorism-related developments have frequently been cited by major news media organizations, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Fox News Channel, CNN, Foreign Policy, Voice of America, Newsweek, The Associated Press, Agence France-Presse (AFP), BBC, and Al Arabiya. Smith has also published numerous opinion pieces focused on US foreign policy and terror-related developments in major online and print news publications, including, and The Washington Times.
