
DA’ISH: ‘Healing the Believers’ Chests”


DA’ISH: ‘Healing the Believers’ Chests”
By Michael S. Smith II

At 4:43 PM (GMT) on 3 February 2015, the DOWNRANGE team (ie Kronos Advisory’s analysts and SMEs) observed a popular Twitter account used to promote the Islamic State’s propaganda, @fisfisso, posting stills from a video featuring the execution of Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh, the Jordanian pilot captured by IS fighters late in December 2014 (screenshot below — Warning: Contains DISTURBING IMAGES).

Soon links to the video, posted to YouTube, were posted by the account’s manager(s). Many of the YouTube links did not function. However, eventually, the team found a link that was still working. A rush summary was produced and shared with various news organizations (copy below).

The video is titled “Healing the Believers’ Chests.” Earlier in the day, many popular IS-linked Twitter accounts promoted images of a still highlighting the video’s title, but these posts did not reveal information concerning the contents of the forthcoming material.

Image of Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh distributed by IS supporters 29 December 2014

In recent weeks, IS propagandists distributed materials that incorporated the above image, which appeared online on 29 December 2014, several days after Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh was captured. The image appears to be a photo of al-Kaseasbeh that may have been taken during the production of the video released on 3 February 2015. (Note: It appears a microphone may be attached to the collar of the jumpsuit worn by al-Kaseasbeh.) Since the video’s release, it has been reported that al-Kaseasbeh was actually killed roughly a month earlier.

In the days prior to the release of the video, various accounts utilized by IS IO operatives distributed “safety tips” for the use of wireless networks. In addition, many managers of Twitter accounts used to promote IS propaganda began highlighting social media accounts used to monitor their distributions of propaganda. One such account created by the DOWNRANGE team was blocked by a number of Twitter accounts used to promote materials such as the video released by IS IO operatives today.

In addition, several days prior to the release of this video, numerous popular accounts used to promote IS propaganda called attention to a new video that highlights the capture and beheading of an alleged Jordanian “intelligence agent.” More on that here.

The following is a rush summary of the roughly 22-minutes-long video:

Sophisticated graphic design and computer animation.

Begins with footage of Jordan’s king announcing support for anti-IS coalition, and issuing appeals for more support. (Images of him with President Barack Obama, others)

Next, clips of news reports concerning relevant developments.

Eventually, the pilot is interviewed. The pilot highlights the aircraft used by various Arab anti-IS coalition partners, the bases from which strikes have been launched, and other operations-specific information. Among details provided about the anti-IS coalition, he notes Jordan has partnered with Israel in the anti-IS effort.

Next, there is footage of strikes.

Next, footage of the pilot walking in an area where strikes occurred. Uniformed (masked) armed jihadis surround him.

Next, footage of carnage following strikes at this site.

Next, he is filmed standing in a cage.

Next, a masked jihadi holds a torch; he ignites materials that lead a flame to the cage.

Next, the pilot is burned alive, with his screams heard in the footage. Terribly graphic.

Next a bulldozer buries his remains.

Further processing to follow.

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