

By Michael S. Smith II

The seventh issue of the Islamic State’s chief English-language publication, Dabiq, is available online.

The latest edition features an interview with the wife of Amedy Coulibaly (aka Abu Basir al-Ifriqi), the terrorist responsible for attacks in France that coincide with the attack on the office of Charlie Hebdo in January 2015. Also included is an article concerning her late husband’s “good example,” as well as an article attributed to British journalist John Cantlie, titled “The Anger Factory,” the summary line for which states “It’s Western governments’ heavy-handed tactics that generate the growing anger that will reduce Western nations to ashes.”

Other notable articles therein include:

“Islam is the Religion of the Sword Not Pacifism”
“Interview with a Spy of Working for the Israeli Mossad”
“Wilayat Khurasan and the Bay’at from Qawqaz”
“Major Operation in Libya and Sinai”
“The Salvation from Fitnah is Khilafah and Jihad”

The following are screenshots of this latest issue’s contents:

Further processing to follow.

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